The flowering crabapple foliage offers different fragrant blooms that range from white, pink, red, and carmine. Native to North America and Asia, these trees are popular to landscapers as ornamental trees which provide color interest during spring (blossoms) and fall (decorative fruits).
Dead Leaf Spots
Crabapple dead leaf spots are often caused by:
- Cedar Apple Rust
- Frog Eye Leaf Spot
Crabapple decay/cankers/galls are often caused by:
- Botryosphaeria
- Fireblight
Crabapple dieback flagging is often caused by:
- Fireblight
- Botryosphaeria
Botryosphaeria canker is a fungal disease of trees and attacks plants that are already stressed or weakened by other pathogens. The Botryosphaeria canker also causes wilting.
Leaf Curling/Cupping
Crabapple leaf curling/cupping is often caused by:
- Aphids
- Leafhoppers
Moldy Leaves
Moldy leaves on crabapple trees are often caused by:
- Powdery Mildew
- Apple Scab
- Aphids
Crabapple sawdust/holes are often caused by:
- Sapsucker (Bird)
- Dogwood Borer
Crabapple yellowing/browning is often caused by:
- Cedar Apple Rust
- Foliar Disease (Many)