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Native to North America and Canada, Redbuds are attractive flowering trees and are among the first native tree species to bloom in spring. Redbud trees grow 20-30 feet tall and 25-35 feet wide, making them suitable for small landscapes.

Chewed leaves on redbud trees are often caused by:

  • Leafcutter Bees

Redbud dead leaf spots are caused by:

  • Leaf Spot Diseases
  • Redbud Leafroller

Small brown or black spots found on top of the leaves are brought about by leaf spot fungus. When fungal spores find warm, wet plant surfaces to cling to, they reproduce and spread throughout the surface, often manifested in large, circular leaf spots.

Canker is a highly destructive disease. It is first seen as the leaves wilt and turn brown.

The canker is caused by the fungus Botryosphaeria  and spreads throughout the tree via splashing rain and winds. The fungus then enters the tree through wounds or dying branches, circulating within the vascular system and inhibiting the redbud’s ability to transport nutrients and water.

Redbud defoliation is often caused by:

  • Tent Caterpillar

When your redbud leaves show signs of dieback or flagging, it may be indicative of canker caused by the fungus Botryosphaeria. These cankers are often seen on branches and twigs.

The dieback may also result from Phytophthora rot or Verticillium wilt, a fungal disease that lives in the soil and infests plants via roots, spreading up through the vascular system.

Redbud leaf curling/cupping is often caused by:

  • Redbud Leafroller

If you see your redbud trees leaves have yellow spots or the leaves have started wilting and curling. You may suspect that the tree is infested with spider mites. Adult spider mites are reddish-brown or pale in color, oval-shaped, and tiny (1/50 inch long). These insects feed by piercing leaf tissue and sucking up plant fluids, which causes the leaves to turn yellow, curl, dry up, and drop off.

Moldy leaves on redbud are often caused by:

  • Lecanium Scale

Redbud sawdust/holes are often caused by:

  • Borers (General)

Redbud wilting is often caused by:

  • Phytophthora Rot
  • Verticillium Wilt

Redbud yellowing/browning is often caused by:

  • Redbud Leafroller
  • Mites
  • Verticillium Wilt

Yellowing and browning of leaves are the first signs of Verticillium Wilt. As the fungus progresses to block the vascular system, the browning of leaves becomes widespread, and the leaves will eventually drop off if the disease is left untreated.

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